
Back in the years 2006 and 2007, I managed a company where we decided to set-up an assembly production facility in Teheran, Iran. This meant a few trips to the capital of Iran. I unfortunately did not have time to see anything of this supposedly beautiful country filled with amazing architectural sites. The few shots are from a mobile phone hence the poor quality. There is a trip penciled in my travel-plans hopefully in the not so distant future. My main takeaway from these trips are the hard-working, dedicated and friendly people.
Back in the years 2006 and 2007, I managed a company where we decided to set-up an assembly production facility in Teheran, Iran. This meant a few trips to the capital of Iran. I unfortunately did not have time to see anything of this supposedly beautiful country filled with amazing architectural sites. The few shots are from a mobile phone hence the poor quality. There is a trip penciled in my travel-plans hopefully in the not so distant future. My main takeaway from these trips are the hard-working, dedicated and friendly people.
Back in the years 2006 and 2007, I managed a company where we decided to set-up an assembly production facility in Teheran, Iran. This meant a few trips to the capital of Iran. I unfortunately did not have time to see anything of this supposedly beautiful country filled with amazing architectural sites. The few shots are from a mobile phone hence the poor quality. There is a trip penciled in my travel-plans hopefully in the not so distant future. My main takeaway from these trips are the hard-working, dedicated and friendly people.




Crossed the border into Senegal from Gambia overland. This was not much more than a few donkey and carts + some cars. Most people were crossing on foot back-and-forth over the day only to work on the Gambian side and then heading back home again after a days work. We set our aim for Fathala Game Reserve close to the border. There were at least two-to-three additional invisible "borders" to cross once inside Senegal controlled by local groups making their living from extorting money from passing vehicles. Few things never seem to change in the remoter areas of Africa.