
Back in the years 2006 and 2007, I managed a company where we decided to set-up an assembly production facility in Teheran, Iran. This meant a few trips to the capital of Iran. I unfortunately did not have time to see anything of this supposedly beautiful country filled with amazing architectural sites. The few shots are from a mobile phone hence the poor quality. There is a trip penciled in my travel-plans hopefully in the not so distant future. My main takeaway from these trips are the hard-working, dedicated and friendly people.
Back in the years 2006 and 2007, I managed a company where we decided to set-up an assembly production facility in Teheran, Iran. This meant a few trips to the capital of Iran. I unfortunately did not have time to see anything of this supposedly beautiful country filled with amazing architectural sites. The few shots are from a mobile phone hence the poor quality. There is a trip penciled in my travel-plans hopefully in the not so distant future. My main takeaway from these trips are the hard-working, dedicated and friendly people.
Back in the years 2006 and 2007, I managed a company where we decided to set-up an assembly production facility in Teheran, Iran. This meant a few trips to the capital of Iran. I unfortunately did not have time to see anything of this supposedly beautiful country filled with amazing architectural sites. The few shots are from a mobile phone hence the poor quality. There is a trip penciled in my travel-plans hopefully in the not so distant future. My main takeaway from these trips are the hard-working, dedicated and friendly people.




Uruguay has been on my list for a long, long time. I should have done this on a couple of occasions in combination when visiting Buenos Aires years ago. Wanting to do a lot, I finally resorted to only do two selected parts of the country on this shorter trip: Montevideo and Colonia del Sacramento. I think this was wise, as I it gave me more time to explore these two interesting cities in more depth. Punta del Este and the Thermal areas up north will have to be on my next journey.