
Back in the years 2006 and 2007, I managed a company where we decided to set-up an assembly production facility in Teheran, Iran. This meant a few trips to the capital of Iran. I unfortunately did not have time to see anything of this supposedly beautiful country filled with amazing architectural sites. The few shots are from a mobile phone hence the poor quality. There is a trip penciled in my travel-plans hopefully in the not so distant future. My main takeaway from these trips are the hard-working, dedicated and friendly people.
Back in the years 2006 and 2007, I managed a company where we decided to set-up an assembly production facility in Teheran, Iran. This meant a few trips to the capital of Iran. I unfortunately did not have time to see anything of this supposedly beautiful country filled with amazing architectural sites. The few shots are from a mobile phone hence the poor quality. There is a trip penciled in my travel-plans hopefully in the not so distant future. My main takeaway from these trips are the hard-working, dedicated and friendly people.
Back in the years 2006 and 2007, I managed a company where we decided to set-up an assembly production facility in Teheran, Iran. This meant a few trips to the capital of Iran. I unfortunately did not have time to see anything of this supposedly beautiful country filled with amazing architectural sites. The few shots are from a mobile phone hence the poor quality. There is a trip penciled in my travel-plans hopefully in the not so distant future. My main takeaway from these trips are the hard-working, dedicated and friendly people.




It was a lot of work getting the visa for Sudan with letter of invitation, pre-booked hotels and tour organizer in order to get in. The latter (tour-guide) seemed necessary as I had set my mind on visiting the old nubian sites of Merroe some 300 km north of Khartoum. And what a magnificent site it was - WOW. The pyramids of Giza in Egypt pales in comparison. The fact that you are the only person visiting makes it magical. I stayed overnight in order to catch both the sun-set and sun-rise at the pyramids. We drove through the desert for considerable time also to be able to see the Meroitic city of Musawawarat es-Sufra. We ran into some nomads in the middle of nowhere at an old water-well. It felt as if nothing had changed here in how people went about their daily lives and shores for hundreds of years. In terms of ancient and world heritage sites of historical value - I think this tops my list.